Honda Motor Co., Opportunities


Our hapless man Joe is investigating various career opportunities, including working for a home siding company, owning a hotdog stand, working for a plastics company, joining a pyramid scheme and becoming a rancher of emus (ostrich-like birds).

The narrator intones, "Lots of career opportunities, one car. Make it a good one."

The last choice appears to be working on a fishing boat as an old sailor tries to convince Joe, "Twelve men, one boat. What could be better?" And then the old man puts his hand on Joe's shoulder as Joe looks down at the hand.

The hand on his shoulder and his comments are implied to be a lecherous come-on.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation asked Honda to edit out the hand-on-shoulder shot to make the ad a bit less judgmental; Honda agreed.

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User Comments
Be happy that "gay people are shown on TV?" Huh? Here gay = predator. Here gay = creepy old men who would love to corner Joe Everybody on a boat. I second Clint's comments. This was a factor in my buying a Toyota a couple months ago instead of a Honda - seriously. I'd also like to say that it's very easy for a straight person who hasn't thought deeply about the experience of a gay person to say "oh relax" about the disgusting gay predator thing. I invite some of the commentators to walk a mile in a gay person's shoes. What might the world (and this TV commercial) look like if you were gay, grew up as a gay person, etc.? Can you imagine?

Dan Ross
I took no offense to anything. Perhaps too many people are too sensitive and wear their feelings on their sleeves and should instead consider having a sense of humor.

This ad is offensive. It suggests the dirty old homosexual predator stereotype. This ad will be laughed at uproariously by prejudiced, insecure, straight male geeks.

Steven Romero
This is one of the funniest US ads I've ever seen. I have to admit that when it came out (no pun intended) I was sort of shocked at the implication, but also quite humored and pleased by the fact that a brand I trust - Honda - was so bold to openly confront such a strong issue. Apparently the ad has not hurt their sales at all (much to the gay commnity's chagrin) - their earnings that year experienced a 15% increase from the previous. I like to think that this ad had something to do with it.

I was a glad (in a sense) to see the "Joe and the sailor" ad in your site. I could not believe how offensive that ad was. I called Honda US headquarters and complained; the person I talked to hadn't seen the ad. I am still shocked by it. I was, and continue to be, sour on Honda because of it. It was a very expensive-looking commercial, and yet it was so vile. Unbelievable.

I saw the commercial, and I wasn't offended at all. I thought it was a little weird. Honda did not anticipate the commercial offending anyone. If they were trying to upset people they wouldn't have been so quick to change it. Honda should be commended for cooperating with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and editing this "expensive-looking commercial" in an effort not to offend the gay community.

John Peyta
The commercial isn't great. And the joke isn't even funny because it's so overused. But it isn't offensive either. Humor is all about stereotypes and exploit. Doesn't the gay community ever make fun of the straight community for some laughs? If people didn't get offended by such things so small then we could actually learn as a collective to laugh together. Taking offense to EVERY gay reference in media is only going to keep the gap wide. Come on, it's entertainment- no one is taking this seriously. Relax a little and enjoy life.

Anyone that got offended by this is a little too sensitive....if you know what I mean.

Daniel Horwitz
I didn't see the offense at all. I think it's time for people to focus on their own lives rather thatn worry about what can be construed as an offensive comment or action. Come on, all the commercial was saying was that it wouldn't be enjoyable to spend a long voyage with 12 old men, does anyone else agree with that? I sure do.

Steve Mills
So it implies the sea man is gay - big deal. Is GLAAD mad that gay people are shown in a TV ad? Get over it, ya babies.

J. Marvin Campbell
Anyone offended by this ad has some serious issues. Try therapy. Now that picture of Robert Mapplethorpe with a bullwhip handle stuck up is ass - now THAT'S offensive. But it's art, so hands off!