T-Mobile International AG & Co. K.G., Lipstick


In a series of unexpected results between a father and his kids, his daughter shouts into her cell phone, "Dad! I got an 'A' in advanced Physics!"

He replies, "Very disappointing. You're burning through our wireless minutes again." He hangs up on her.

Next, dad walks into his son's room to discover he is applying lipstick and wearing a dress. Dad says, "We need to talk." Nervously explaining his state, the son replies, "Dad, it's just..." Unfazed at his son's appearance, he interrupts, "This wireless bill is out of control."

In another episode with his son, the teenager attempts to pull backward out of the garage. Forgetting to put the car in reverse, he crashes forward inside the garage instead. Without acknowledging this fact, dad shouts at his clumsy son, "Ten calls in one day!?"

This ad earns an Equal rating because however improbable the scenario is, the father does not condemn his son for dressing as a woman. In fact, he is blind to it, and that's the humor.

User Comments
I liked this ad from the moment I first saw it. The fact that it is so open about transsexuality is wonderful. Of course, people may point to the fact that, afterwards, the father also does not notice his son crashing into the garage, but I see this as a progression of what fathers might be upset at: not at all, some might be and then for sure.

Actually, the extended version is even better, in my opinion, as Catherine Zeta-Jones's comment of "Nice dress" is so accepting and nonchalant.