Human Rights Campaign, Judy Shepard/Parenthood


This touching public service announcement features home video of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, who died October 12, 1998, of wounds from a gay bashing after a short coma. The video shows him at his high school graduation and acting as Abraham Lincoln in a childhood play.

In a tearful delivery, his mother says, "Being a parent is a joy. You have days of absolute bliss that you thought you could never, ever experience. And then there are days so low you wonder why you ever became a parent. In a perfect world, because you child is gay, you don't worry about their safety, you just worry about them being happy. I loved Matt just the way he was. Just the way he was."

The closing tagline says, "Choose to understand."

At first a reluctant activist, Judy has appeared in a number of TV commercials, including one for GLSEN that has gotten wide showing on MTV and during the Grammy awards.

User Comments
What's sad is that no network will ever air this ad because tolerance and understanding are what's really controversial. I find that as depressing as the ad is inspiring.