Human Rights Campaign, Preserve & Protect


Inauguration footage of presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Bush Sr., Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Bill Clinton plays throughout this ad, made by the Human Rights Campaign.

It opens with the words "Raise your right hand and repeat after me."

"I, Franklin Delano Roosevelt…" begins FDR.

"Do solemnly swear," Bush continues.

"That I will faithfully execute the office," says Ford.

"Of President of the United States," adds Reagan.

"And will to the best of my ability," Kennedy says.

"Preserve, protect, and defend," Clinton continues,

"The Constitution of the United States," concludes a narrator, as the black screen reads, "It is a sacred oath."

The footage is then jumbled, as each man repeats the word "preserve" from the oath. "The Constitution of the United States" is repeated, along with "So help me God."

"Tell President Bush to 'PRESERVE' the Constitution," appears on screen, followed by the words, "not undermine it." Cheers are heard.

The ad concludes with the HRC logo and the words "STOP the Federal Marriage Amendment. Contact hrc.org."

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