Pinnacle Foods Corporation, Swanson Dinner


An announcer begins, as a mother gets her busy son and daughter dinner before their activities: "You told us you wanted quick meals your family would love. So we offered our Swanson Dinner in more varieties." Timers are going off around the kitchen as the kids dodge in and out.

"You told us you wanted something for yourself. So we introduced Swanson Hearty Bowls." As the camera focuses in on the mother taking a moment for dinner for herself.

"You told us your husband likes to wear your frilly undergarments." The husband enters the kitchen with a very satisfied smile on his face. The music in the background slows and the family stops what they are doing and stare at the father. He becomes very uncomfortable.

The announcer then says, "Frankly, we didn't know what to do." The mother's response to this is to take a Swanson Dinner out of the freezer and hand it to her husband as she heads out the door, her kids following behind waving to their father.

The announcer finishes with, "Life's...complicated, but at least dinner's easy. Swanson Dinners and Hearty Bowls-When you're starved for time."

User Comments
Lynn Knoxx
Ugh--trying to be funny. I'm not offended by the transgendered reference, but the ad literally commits the unforgivable sin of not being funny, just creepy.

I think the whole Frilly underwear topic has no place in our advertising culture, we continue to take minority groups and give them status more than they deserve. We should treat all people respectfully, even when they are wrong in their viewpoint and don't know what the truth is.

It was dumb, but I would not call it homo or trans phobic....

This would be a cute commercial if not for the children of this family being aware of daddy's bent for panties. Preadolescent and young teenagers should not be made aware of what mommy and daddy do behind closed doors. It's none of their business.

I think it's awful that it's supposed to be "obvious" that she should leave him. What harm did he do? I'd definitely call it transphobic.