Gilead Sciences, The 50,000 Story
Starting with the image of a baseball game, the narrator says "The average baseball stadium holds about 50,000 people. That's a lot of people. It's enough people to fill 125 jumbo jets. Or about 500 ferris wheels." Fantasy images of hundreds of jets and ferris wheels appear.
"50,000 people would fill a dance floor the size of an entire block if New York City. Or stretch 47 miles when linked hand-in-hand. And if 50,000 people formed a human pyramid, it would soar 632 feet into the sky." A spectacular CGI shot appears of a pile of people higher than the St. Louis Gateway Arch.
"50,000 -- that's a lot of people. It's also the number of people in the US who contracted HIV last year. And the year before that. And every year since 2003. But the thing is, this doesn't have to happen. There is no cure for HIV. But right now, we actually know how to stop the virus."
A series of images of people flows by, including a male couple holding hands while walking down the street.
The tagline is Help Stop the Virus (
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