Human Rights Campaign, Spin


This ad features the voices of several guys arguing, with their comments highlighted as text:

Old Campaign Guy: Hey! This new law against gay marriage is great!. This is gonna take us all the way to the White House.

New Guy: What about violent crime?

Old Campaign Guy: Pay attention! This is what Republicans are all about. Do you think Bob Dole would co-sponsor this bill, one of his last bills in Congress, if it weren't the most important issue for the American people?

New Guy: What about education?

Old Campaign Guy: No! This is the issue Americans understand, nobody cares about term limits or jobs.

New Guy: Not even Medicare?

Old Campaign Guy: Who cares about Medicare?

Then a chorus of voices says, "We do!"

Narration instructs, "Tell Bob Dole and Congress to stop trying to score political points by attacking gay Americans. Americans wants solutions that bring us together, not drive us apart."

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