Project Muyul, Protect the Lebanese family and community values
This anti-LGBTQ ad is a reconstruction of another that is pro-LGBTQ from MTV Lebanon.
Without showing faces, two men stand next to each other in an elevator. A third man steps in and joins them, then puts his hand inside his jacket and pulls out a pistol. The two men behind him see nothing, and the third steps off as the two men begin to hold hands. A siren starts to wail. Then the male couple step off and a mother and father are tightly holding their daughter to face away from the male pair.
In Arabic, the text reads, "There's a crime that kills a person, and there is a crime that kills a community. Yes to preserve Article 534 and protect community and family values.
Gay Americans living and loving responibsly...just like you. 2003 None United States Poster/Outdoor 100% Report A Problem
Gay or Straight...all Americans deserve equal protection under the law. 2001 None United States Poster/Outdoor 100% Report A Problem
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