Coca-Cola Co., Families - Happiness is Always the Answer
A young girl walks into her family kitchen and says, "Mummy, do you know what they told me at school today? That's you're too old to be a mummy." Her mother asks, "Who told you that?"
The answer leads to the next child, who is now shown in her home saying to her parents, "Daddy, someone at school told me you're not my real parents." The Asian girl looks at her Anglo parents, who ask who told her that. "Lewis, the boy with messy hair."
In what now is a chain of events, Lewis is now talking to his parents. "Today at school, someone told me my mummy is my daddy and my daddy is my mummy." His gather, who is cooking in the kitchen listens as the mother walks in wearing a business suit. His father asks, "Who told you that?" The answer: "Alex, the boy with red hair."
Alex tells his parents, "Dad, at school, the asked me why I don't have a mum but I have two dads." The gay male couple take a sip of Coke and look at each other for a moment. One says, "Well, let me ask you another question:" then each parent completes the sentence, "if you could choose your family, would you still pick us?"
Of course, each child exuberantly says "Yes!" then gives a hug.
As the song "What the World Needs Now" song plays in the background, the tagline appears "Happiness is always the answer."
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