Rainbow Youth, If It's Not Gay, It's Not Gay
Three men are standing on a farm near a fence. One starts to eat a meat pie, and the entire thing slips out of his hands onto the ground.
"Awww, gay!" the man says with frustration at the incident.
“Actually, Nigel,” his friends corrects him. “That’s not gay at all. It’s deeply disappointing, but it’s not gay."
He continues, “Look, bro, unless that pie is a man who loves another man, then it’s not gay.”
Another farmer carrying a lamb passing by chimes in: “Or a woman who loves another woman."
The friend then looks over at the third man and says, "Steve's gay." The first man argues, "Steve's not gay. Steve, you're not gay, are you?"
Without looking back, Steve (who is older than the other two men) confirms -- "Quite gay." The friend is speechless and looks back down at his meat pie on the ground.
Then the tagline: "If It's Not Gay, It's Not Gay."
Gay Americans living and loving responibsly...just like you. 2003 None United States Poster/Outdoor 100% Report A Problem
Gay or Straight...all Americans deserve equal protection under the law. 2001 None United States Poster/Outdoor 100% Report A Problem
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