Unilever, Gangster of Love 2
The blues song "Gangster of Love" plays as singer Nick Lachey stops to get a paper outside a cafe. A woman sitting at an outdoor table looks at Lachey, dips her finger in her drink's whipped cream, and suggestively licks it. Lachey smiles and clicks a hand held counter.
Later, Lachey gets a huge smile from a girl in a grocery store. He clicks his counter again.
In the dry cleaners, another beautiful woman at the counter flirts heavily. Holding the counter, he clicks again -- each time a woman gives him fawning attention.
At a music store, Lachey moves his album from the third most popular album position to the first. The sales women give him an unapproving look, until he takes his sunglasses off. They smile at him immediately and he clicks his counter twice.
When in a store trying on shoes, a woman sits up against him, doing the same. He discreetly clicks the device another time.
As he exits the store, the salesman hands Lachey his bag with an overly-enthusiastic smile. After considering whether or not his tally counts from a male, Lachey clicks the counter again.
A school bus filled with female soccer players drives by, and they're all looking seductively at the singer. He clicks in rapid succession as the bus passes to count them all.
Now it's the evening at a lounge and he's dressed up a bit. Once again, all the women in the bar notice him, giving flirtatious glances.
As he's leaving the lounge, he enters an elevator already occupied by a handsome young man dressed in a work uniform. Lachey confidently looks at his clicker, noticing his grand total, 103. He feels pretty smug, until the man next to him pulls out a clicker of his own, trumping Lachey's total with the much larger 2,372. The elevator doors close as Lachey tries to figure out how he could have lost by so much.
This commercial earns an Equal rating because the admiration from the male retail clerk was accepted by Lachey the same as the women.
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