Basic Rights Oregon, Constitution


With images of cutting out words from the Oregon state constitution using scissors, red markers and white out, a narrator says, "Look at what the religious extremists of the OCA (anti-gay Oregon Citizen's Alliance) want to do to our constitution. If their Measure 9 passes, we'd take away citizen's rights. No state's ever done that. We'd be forced to discriminate. Our constitution would contain embarrassing language we'd have to teach our youngest children. The OCA -- they call themselves the 'religious right' but really they're the 'religious wrong.' "

The tagline: "Vote No on 9. It's a danger to us all."

The group behind this commercial, Basic Rights Oregon, was able to create a number of commercials to fight the measure, which ultimately failed by a narrow margin.

Like commercials from other states in the political battle for protecting gay civil rights, this ad never mentions the words "gay or lesbian." It was a decision that proved controversial to some, who felt that the ads were too vague, while others felt that a broader approach was necessary to avoid turning off many voters.

Either way, during the heated environment in states that debated gay rights measures, reports of anti-gay violence increased dramatically.

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