Coca-Cola Co., Ferris Wheel


Various lovers appear on a ferris wheel in this Vanilla Coke commercial focused on diversity. Two of the couples are biracial, and then two young men ride by as well. One of the guys smiles lovingly at the other (they do not kiss as the other couples do), and the other fellow sheepishly moves his foot over his other.

The song translation: "If you give me Vanilla Coke, I will be nice with you. If you taste this new cola, we will be you and me together. If you seek for this vanilla taste, you will find it on my lips. If you taste this new cola, our love story will continue."

User Comments
Here we go again -- with gays seen as "not together, not kissing, as the het couples and interracial couples are. They couldn't be farther apart in the seat, the crossing over foot could be seen as crotch protection, no kiss-- they're cartoon characters for God's sake! On 2nd viewing I did notice the shy blushing response and foot thing in a better light. On first view I saw it as him trying to get as far apart as the seat would allow. So more positive than I thought, but still no touch, no kiss for these guys.

Wonderful, everyone touches or kisses but the gays. Thank you so much Vanilla Coke for showing us "diversity." You might as well [i]not[/i] bother to portray us in your commercials. As Joan Crawford said in [i]Mommie Dearest[/i], "if you can't do it right, don't do it at all."