IKEA International, Get Organized
A young man brings a girl home after a night out, they walk in kissing but when he flips on the lights and she sees how untidy it is, she escapes mid-kiss. This happens again with another girl.
Realizing the problem, he goes out and buys lots of IKEA storage units, making his place more orderly.
Then he brings another girl home. She walks in with smiles. He shows her the tidy living room, then as he brings her to the bedroom, complete with brightly colored rug, he tries to impress her with his immaculate closet but then she swivels around and runs out and he is baffled.
Returning home, the woman's flatmate asks how it went. She sighs, "I think he's gay."
There's a follow-up short ad - the guy sits glumly in his living room wondering what went wrong, with his door wide open, when a guy (Johnny Cass, Australia's openly gay star of reality show "Big Brother") wearing a tight muscle shirt and carrying a small dog passes by, looks in and smiles as he says, "Love the furniture."
The media was bought so the two ads would always appear in the same ad break.
Says BMF account director Rebecca Oxenbould, "Before buying the script, IKEA were cautious with regard to the stereotypes we play off in the commercial, however we approached opinion leaders within the gay community and ran the scripts past them and the response in every occasion was very positive."