Mars Inc., Undercover


A group of oppressively built men dressed as women are in a non-descript room, in what could be a support group setting. Throughout the commercial they are eating Mars Inc's Celebration assortment of candy.

"That looks practical and yet attractive," one man says to another of a picture in a magazine. Another looks into a mirror and tries to decide which purse matches his outfit best; a third man is helped zipping up his dress. "I look like my Mom," says the man with the purses.

"You see, you're paying for the label," the first man says to another in front of a rack of clothes.

"You're looking great mate. I mean, what can you say? You do look fierce, don't ya?" One man says to another, who is checking himself out in a mirror.

The man with the purses asks everyone which purse he should choose, causing an outburst of laughter.

A police man is seen through the window of the door, and when he enters the room everything stops. There is a pause and then the police man asks, "What are you celebrating?"

"Last day undercover," one of them replies. The screen cuts to a close up of the box of candy and an announcer says, "Any excuse for a celebration."

The group of undercover police men is now on the street. A man passing by whistles, prompting one of them to say "Men," contemptuously.

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