Levi Strauss & Co., Different Fits For You


This magazine and outdoor ad is part of a series that each time shows a woman in activities with herself, but dressed differently and posed as if they're all separate people.

In this one, the woman is shown "kissing" another in a woman's restroom, with her hand in the pocket of the woman -- as her "girlfriend" behind her appears appalled at the kiss and tries to pull her away. Two "others' look on at the drama.

According to an American Levi spokesman, "the image is actually of the same girl and is intended to depict a 'virtual reality' of her expressing different aspects of her personality. Our Australian marketing team said that the campaign was designed to position women as confident, sassy and self-empowered. The ad also fits with our long tradition of respecting and celebrating diversity and freedom of expression."

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User Comments
John Frame
I thought this ad was great. I phoned Levi's and spoke to their PR people to tell them so, and to ask if they'd had any negative reactions. He said they had received a small number of complaints but only a couple of compliments-which is sad. I was thanked for giving positive feedback. I encouraged active listener support for Levi's from the audience of our LGBT community radio show (Queer Radio www.queerradio.org ).