Sons & Daughters of America, Gun


A young man walks in on his parents in the living room, where his father says, "I don't know what I'd do if I found out our kid was a queer." Mom shouts, "Charles!" as she sees their son walk by.

The kid walks into the next room, and dad continues, "I just can't stand them. As far as I'm concerned, the only good fag is a dead fag."

Narration says, "Don't make uneducated, unnecessary judgments on gays." The young man has pulled out a gun. "It might be someone you care about a lot. Lesbians and gays amount to over 30% of all suicides for ages 15-24."

Sons & Daughters of America was a non-profit organization based in South Florida between 1992-1995. The group focused on using the media to educate the public about gay and lesbian Americans. It was founded by HRC's' Wayne Besen, who discovered ex-gay poster boy John Paulk in a DC gay bar in 2000.

User Comments
It's a good ad, but I can't say I loved it. I think it is terrible that such an ad is necessary.

If I didn't already know what the ad was for, the music would have led me to believe that he was getting the gun to kill his parents. The threatening music was a little over-the-top.

This ad is my life story, my parents were actually like that. I made a suicide attempt, but failed, thank God. My mother once told me while watching a coming out movie that if ever I turn out to be gay, she'd rather not know. I respected her wishes. I'm still in the closet towards my family.