General Motors Corp., Kisses


A man and his wife sit in front of a salesman's desk in an auto showroom, as she makes a call on the phone. The narrator says, "It's the GM holiday sale, choose your vehicle and call. You'll receive $500 minimum. Or you could also win $2,500."

A look of excitement crosses the woman's face as she suddenly jumps over the man's desk and aggressively kisses him. The husband looks on with some jealousy, as the two fall over in the chair.

The husband then picks up the phone as the salesman manages to sit back up, his hair in a shambles. The narrator continues, "Or even win your vehicle."

At this moment, the man has now also jumped across the desk to kiss the poor salesman, as they again fall backwards in the chair.

The closing shot shows the salesman once again sitting up in his chair, looking completely shell-shocked.

The comical ad neutrally handles the kisses, with the salesman being no more stunned by the husband's smooch than by the wife.

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User Comments
Look again at what the site actually says about this ad. No one is offended. The site gave it a neutral sign, which says nothing about whether it's a good or bad ad, just that it neither advocates nor attacks homosexuality. It then goes on to praise the ad for being "comic" and for depicting the gay kiss as no different from the straight kiss. In summary, it seems to consider good, funny ads (quality judgement) that happens to depict homosexuality neutrally (classification system leading to the equal sign).
So no need to gripe about gay people needing to have more of a sense of humor; we already do!

Paul N.
I think this commericial is hilarious. Why can't we gays have more of a sense of humor?