Shaw's Supermarkets, Deli


In a stunt similar to the 1980s TV show "Bosom Buddies," two men who work for a grocery store are cross-dressed as women to spy on the competition -- one in a short black wig, the other in a long blonde one. The ad is part of a campaign series of six.

The two are standing at the deli counter as a child starts pulling on the blouse of one of them, demanding, "I'm hungry!"

The blonde tells the other, "He thinks you're his mother." So the brunette asks the deli woman in a falsetto voice if her "son"could have a cookie. The rugrat then insists "I want a muffin!"

The deli woman is now unsettled by the situation but offers a muffin.

The real mother (who is wearing the same blouse as the infiltrator, which is why the kid was confused) then shows up and says to her son, "Honey, don't bother the nice lady." She looks up, sees they're cross-dressed men, grabs the child's hand and runs away.

The brunette, unaware of the woman's fear, then calls after her to say, "Love your outfit..."

The ads have caused some uproar in the transgender communities in New England, were the chain operates, and were pulled after just a few days.

Said a store spokeswoman, "The 'Choice is Yours' ads were created to raise awareness and build our variety and range image. The characters are meant to be perceived strictly as spies 'checking out Shaw's.' No other implication is intended."

User Comments
As a minority of minorities I suppose that the transgendered community will continue having fun poked at us. Yes you are right! There are more of these commercials popping up more than ever, there's no one left to make fun of! I'm dreading seeing the commercial that you mentioned.It just makes it so hard for us that don't pass 100%. I don't know, maybe I won't watch, I almost cried just reading the article.

This depicts trans people in a menacing manner. Nothing is more humiliating than being "read" while out in public with no place to go, especially if it's in a larger crowd. we are just people and the majority of us would rather go unnoticed. It's a painful experience.

Rose Mary Chaulk
If you are not transgendered you may not be aware of how much damage your ads are doing. PEOPLE ARE BEING HURT BY THESE ADS. THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF. The one with the mother and daughter who come up from behind and says something to her daughter, and upon discovering the fact both are men, grabs her daughter and flees with a look of fear on her face is very devastating. I know of at least one person who has/is contemplating suicide because of that ad alone.