Sara Lee Corp., Purse


A guy accompanies his girlfriend shopping in a women's clothing store.

Without a word, she hands him her dainty green purse to hold as she heads to the fitting room. He stands there, holding the purse, awkwardly.

The narrator says, "At least you can eat like a man."

The ad is part of a series that attempts to play on the insecurities of male masculinity by positioning the franks as something "manly."

The ad has had some upset among those in the gay community.

User Comments
OK... I'm gay and I don't find this ad offensive in that way. However, I find it is very much like saying "vegetarians are queers" or at least not masculine.

Sean Martin
Oooo... and you can win a trip to NASCAR, where you just *know* those guys don't carry no dumb little green purses. Pathetic.

Rees Bennett
This commercial is NOT about gays..... how many guys (even gay ones) carry little green vinyl purses? Besides, you would never find shoes and a belt to match!!!

This ad has nothing to do with gay men. It's about men who are P---- whipped.

Nurith Amitai
Waahahahaha!!! As if this ad wasn't already pathetic enough in itself... how much more phallic can they make the product appear? Not only is the phrase "eat like a MAN" followed by a slow, lascivious closeup camera zoom along a hotdog, no, the package of the product even says "they plump as you cook 'em!" Oh my... penis size insecurity, anyone?

Oh, and no matter whether the ad is specifically meant to make fun of gay men, it definitely makes fun of "unmanly" men that don't live up to the macho makers' ideal of masculinity. A message that is equally destructive to straight men who think you may be able to be a man in way that doesn't center around hot dogs, NASCAR, and despising anything feminine and non-macho, as it is to gay men (who certainly wouldn't fit into this ad maker's world of "real men").