McCain Foods, We Are Family


Real life couple Lee and Mat Samuels-Camozzi, from Cheshire, England appear in this spot with their 19-month-old son, Carter, to showcase the diversity of the definition of "family." They include single and working mothers, stay-at-home mothers, part-time dads, grandparents, adoptive parents, a "brother from another mother" and a "sister from another mister."

The narrator says "When it comes to family, what’s 'normal?' 'Normal' isn’t normal."

According to Creativity magazine, "McCain says it is focusing on celebrating real families following research that identified that half of British people don't think popular culture reflects the reality of modern families and also found that 84% of consumers were unable to recall seeing anything in popular culture that featured a family like their own in the last six months."

Marketing director Mark Hodge said in a statement: "At McCain, we welcome the increased scrutiny the media has put on stereotypes in recent months. The campaign for increased gender diversity in advertising and the rise of a new breed of 'honest' parenting influencers are important steps in helping to reflect the diverse reality of families today."

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