United Winery & Distillery, Transvestite


A lounge lizard tries to pick up women in a disco and notices that as each attractive woman comes up to the bar, they keep ordering Cooler Club wine coolers. As he comes on to them, they curl up their lips in disgust and walk away.

Then an attractive transgender woman/transvestite comes up to him and he tries to order her a Cooler Club. She leans in and whispers into his ear, "Noi doesn't drink, ka," then laughs hysterically.

The tagline: "Cooler Club. The wine cooler for women."

It is common in Thailand for women to refer to themselves not by the word "chan" for "I' but by their given name, in the third person. "Noi" is her given name, and she ends with "ka" which is the polite ending used only by women--similar to sir/madam in America.

It can be deduced that she is either pretending to be a woman or considers herself to be a woman.

She gets the last laugh here, though the reaction is still one of repugnance.

While Asia tends to generally be more conservative than other parts of the world, Thailand is infamous for a sex trade that draws its own tourism. Nonetheless, in 1999 Thai prime minister Chuan Leekpai requested that TV stations — all of which are government owned — cut down on shows featuring transvestites and transsexuals "to prevent innocent youngsters from imitating unfavorable examples." In spring 2000, this was extended to the showing of smoking cigarettes as well.

User Comments
Eugene Luk
Your claim that Asia is more conservative (I'll assume you mean in terms of sexuality) than other parts of the world is wrong and misleading. The difference between Asia and, say, Europe or North America is that in Asia, people tend to frown upon public displays of sexuality/affection, whereas in Europe and North America those displays are accepted. In Asia it is considered rude to flaunt your sexuality in public. However, this does not mean that Asians' attitudes toward sexuality in general are conservative. In most Asian cultures, people don't really care what your sexual preference is, or what you do in the privacy of your own home. Just don't shove it in people's faces in public. A person who blatantly displays their sexuality in public is thought to do so because inside they're actually insecure about their sexuality. A confident person has no need of showing off their sexuality. Basically it's a "Get a Room!" attitude towards public displays of sexuality. Many Asian cultures are in fact quite liberal about sexuality. For example, Thailand and Japan both have thriving straight AND gay porn industries, and though it's not talked about publicly, people don't really mind it. In fact, in many parts of rural Japan they have fertility festivals where the peasants will parade throught the village with tall wooden totems carved in the shape of a penis.

Scott Alamar
Oh, come on! Yes, there is fear, shock and repulsion. What would a gay man's reaction be if a female-to-male transgendered person pulled the same thing? Reality check, a passable male-to-female transgendered person walking into a seemingly hetero nightclub implies a very specific intention. I do know someone who does cross dress and is passable and does that. His intention? To illicit a sexual response from straight men. Does he get the response? Yes. Does he reveal his genetic identity? No. He admits he would have the crap beaten out of him. Why? Nobody likes deception. Is getting the crap beaten out of him an appropriate response? No. Does it happen? Yes. Why is the response so negative? Nobody likes being deceived.

Andrea James
The old deep voice reveal, made offensive by his negative response.

Thai attitudes toward gays, especially male homosexuals, are relatively benign. You can say that Thailand is remarkably tolerant about gays as long as you don't throw it in people's faces. That's why the media still doesn't have much guts to feature a gay man in commercials. However, transexuals are not only tolerated, some have become major television stars and fashion models.