Coral Ridge Ministries, Families


Showing a group of ex-gay "success stories" -- where "formerly" gay and lesbian people have married and had children, this ad features the disgraced John Paulk.

He was once the poster boy of the ex-gay movement and on the cover of Time magazine -- who was discovered in a Washington DC gay bar in late 2000 by employees of gay group Human Rights Campaign. Afterward, Paulk was relieved of his role within the Colorado Springs-based group Focus on the Family.

This campaign generated a lot of media about the issue of whether a person could become un-gay.

User Comments
This is the kind of advertising and propaganda that's kept the gay community under the heel of the religious groups for the last two decades. The ex-gay movement is the most twisted form of homosexuality. I get so disgusted when I see or hear ads for homosexuals anonymous or Exodus International. All of these organizations are funded by many large Christian groups, to aggressively nullify the gay community out there, to turn us into the cookie-cutter families they want us to be. I think that just because they are unhappy and unfufilled living out a false American dream, why should they drag us down with them as well? By telling us we are unhappy and lost, or lonely, they only seek to make us feel this way, everyone feels lost/lonely/unhappy occasionally, whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, whatever. This sociological and psychological attacks are destructive and hurtful on a subliminal level and even more so dangerous, they are manipulative!

Brenda Jean Louise
This ad and the groups that sponsor it are only proving that bisexual people can meet people of the opposite sex who are comfortable knowing about the other's homosexual past and not condemn them for it. Yes, they can get married and have kids. So what? That doesn't mean that all gays can be cured from being homosexual as they would have you believe in this commercial and the radical Christian religious right's anti-gay agenda. MANY gay people who are born into such radical right families are put through an emotional hell by their families and church peer groups. If anyone is lying about the TRUTH, it's the sponsors of this commercial.

Teresa Smith
As a woman struggling with homosexuality, I have attended a "Love Won Out" conference sponsored by Focus on the Family. Even though I do not feel that homosexuality is a choice, living and being comfortable with it is. Many people, directly or indirectly involved with this issue, are not comfortable with it. They have chosen to seek answers to their questions from the Church. They have chosen to seek the possibility of change through Jesus Christ. Where is the problem? No one is forcing anybody to do anything. It is an invitation. Everyone must choose for him/herself. Those who do not take this path, should not mock or prevent others from doing so. Where is the tolerance in that?