National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Marriage=Biology (Not Bigotry)
This misleading ad from NOM asserts that governments promote marriage between one man and one woman because, as the British narrator puts it, “it’s for the perpetuation and stabilization of our society.” This claim is built on the familiar notion – disseminated by many right-wing political and conservative religious organizations – that such a narrow definition of marriage is rooted in nature and biology. The ad goes on to assert that government has three options when it comes to the behavior of its citizens (promote, permit, or prohibit); and equates same-sex marriage with incest and pedophilia. The usual assertions that man-woman marriage uniquely benefits society by creating children, best raising those children, protecting women, civilizing men, and lowering crime, poverty and deficits are rolled out. The narrator then asks what benefits same-sex marriage provides, only to be left with the sound of crickets chirping. No real evidence is provided for how same-sex marriage harms society other than the highly inaccurate claim that it “merely validates sex partners.” The ad attempts to reconcile married couples that do not have children by saying “they are the exception, not the rule.” Yet another inaccurate claim is made that if same-sex marriage is allowed, schools will “subject your kids to mandatory homosexual curricula,” your tax dollars will be used to fund homosexual relationships, freedom of speech will be gagged, and religious freedom overruled. Finally, the more recent claim, that the law already treats everyone equally because we can all marry someone of the opposite sex, is deployed, to argue for the fairness of discrimination of same-sex marriage versus. natural marriage. The ad closes out by asserting that only man-woman marriage is the basis of a civilized society followed by the slogan “That’s not bigotry. That’s biology.”
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