Maryland Marriage Alliance, Parents Have No Rights (Question 6)


This ad, produced by the Maryland Marriage Alliance during the Question 6 referendum, propagates the all too common and misleading notion that marriage equality will lead to a loss of parental rights. Question 6, also known as the Maryland Same-Sex Marriage referendum, appeared on the general election ballot for Maryland during 2012 allowing voters to approve or reject the Civil Marriage Protection Act. It was a bill that legalized same-sex marriage, which was passed by the General Assembly that same year. The referendum was approved by 52.43% of voters and went into effect on January 1, 2013.

The ad begins with a depiction of two boys ostensibly engaged in a kiss overlaid by a large red heart from the children’s novel King & King. The speaker warns “If gay marriage happens here, schools could teach that boys could marry boys.” The commercial goes on to note the worries of two Massachusetts parents who claim that after Marriage Equality passed in that state it was “taught” to children in the second grade. The husband continues with another claim that the “courts ruled that parents had no right to take their children out of class, or to even be informed when this instruction was taking place.” The wife picks up on the same note once again warning that with marriage equality children will be taught same-sex marriage at school and parents will lose their rights. In closing, she cautions Maryland voters to not make the same mistake and think gay marriage won’t “affect you.” As this ad misleads voters with fearful demagoguery aimed at propagating the ugly stereotype of gays indoctrinating youth, it received a 0% score.

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