Clothestime, Bedroom


Spying through a window, we see a sexy blonde woman in a black nightgown who is upset. She's throwing things off the bureau, knocking over the coat rack and flopping onto the bed in frustration. The phone rings and our beauty has a very deep voice as she answers, "Hello? Yeah, this is Mark."

A female narrator says, "If Clothestime can make Mark look this good, imagine what we can do for a real woman."

Of course, it's the makeup artist that makes Mark look "good" much more than the clothes. The joke here is the age-old "Surprise, it's a man." This spot accompanies two others -- a similar male one and a much more flattering one for lesbians.

User Comments
I thought the Bedroom ad was lovely and tastefully done.

Karen Reeves
The commercial is cute except for the "real women" comment and the fact that MAKE UP provides the difference here, NOT the clothes!

China Blue
I happen to be the person in this particular ad, and although it was controversial, I personally did not see anything wrong with it. It was tasteful and, in my opinion, not offensive to anyone. It was what it was, a surprise ending to an otherwise normal appearing ad.

Andrea James
The rug pull without the negative response. Always a good choice. Gotta be careful with that “real woman” stuff. though.

My message to these people (the ad folks) is, "Sodd off!" Their cutesy remark, "Imagine what it would do for a real woman." would have been kinder, and much more effective written as, "Imagine what we can do for YOU!" This would appeal to the same women as the original ad, but would 1.) not insult the T community, and 2.) might increase sales amoung the T community -- which may be why they wrote the ad the way they did...as if the idea was NOT to increase sales. Well, Clothestime will never get any of MY money, or from the women of my family (or any of the MEN either... giggle)