Central Office of Information (England)/COI, Think You Know


With a shot of a ceiling lamp, the voice of a young boy begins, "My hobbies are football, cycling. I like playing in the street, and I like going down to the park and stuff. Collecting medals, like football medals. I like the way they're presented and stuff..'cause some are shiny and some are light blue..."

As the camera pans down, the voice is superimposed over an adult man next to his computer. Screen text says, "People online may not be who they say they are. Pedophiles use the internet. Don't give out your e-mail, mobile or other personal details."

This ad earns a Stereotype rating because it takes the already delicate issue of pedophilia and further complicates it by taking the more prurient choice of making it male-on-male, supporting the misconception and stereotype that gay men are more likely to be pedophiles than straight men.

While research indicates that pedophilia is similar to rape in that it is not about sex (or sexual orientation), but power, gay men still must often fight this stigma.

User Comments
This ad doesn't belong here. He could be looking to attack a boy OR a girl. And gay or not, aren't most pedophiles men? It would't be fair to replace the man with a woman, I think; even then, would Commercial Closet not still have a stretched reason to put it here, being that she could be cruising for girls? Pedophiles just want a target, period!

I don't see why this advert is anti-gay. The pedophile pretending to be a little boy is just as if not more likely to be targeting young girls.