California Department of Corrections, Our Models Fist Their Models


California Department of Corrections is not affiliated with the state government. This activist organization "corrects" billboards to raise political awareness on issues for gays, women, the working class, and racial minorities. Their website provides more information at California Department of Corrections.

Originally, this billboard was for Levi's jeans and read "Our Models Can Beat Up Their Models," poking fun at Calvin Klein's jean campaign, which featured skinnier, more androgynous models. The ad features a line-up of men dressed in jeans and leather jackets, and instead reads, "Our Models Fist Their Models" -- a sexual reference. The ad also bears the addition of a leather pride community flag -- the heart over a black, blue and white stripe design. The ad is also ironic in taking on the fashion industry, lead by gay men, as well as by Klein, who has peddled sexuality for clothes sales.

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