Trail for State Senate, Promises Made, Promises Kept


"Promises made, promises kept," says a narrator as Democrat Larry Trail walks hand in hand with his wife. Trail ran for State Senate in Tennessee's 16th District.

"Larry Trail voted against gay marriage, against driver's licenses for illegal aliens, against taxpayer funded abortions." Trail is shown speaking to a group of people, then driving a tractor. He waves as the narrator continues, "And Larry Trail kept his promise and voted against the income tax."

Governor Phil Bredesen appears onscreen. "Elections are about choices, and Larry Trail is your best choice for State Senate," he says. "He's a good and honest man. Larry helped me balance the budget without new taxes. Don't be fooled by these negative attacks."

Trail is shown picking up his young daughter, tossing her high in the air, and then hugging her. "I trust Larry," says Bredesen, "and you can, too."

Trail's Republican opponent Jim Tracy won the race with 52% of votes. With Republican nominee Diane Black also winning a seat, Republicans hold the majority of seats in the Tennessee Senate.

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