Romero for State Representative, Family


"I'm Craig Romero, and I authorize this message," says one of the six nominees for State Representative in District 3 of Louisiana.

Opponent Billy Tauzin is pictured next to a bar chart representing his drop in the polls. Powered by a rocket engine, Tauzin's upper body flies off the screen.

"Craig Romero lead the fight against gay marriage," says a narrator as Romero walks hand-in-hand with his wife.

Romero stands at a festival booth as the narrator says, "Craig Romero strongly opposes human cloning, just like we all do."

He stands with his wife in front a large tree, as the narrator says: "Craig Romero is strongly pro-life." Suddenly, two teenagers girl appear, as if they sprouted from seeds in the ground. Two more people pop up behind Romero and his wife, and then two young boys appear in front of them. "Look at his family. Check his record," says the narrator.

"Craig's conservative and voted against imposing new taxes. Wants social security protected, not privatized." Romero talks with an elderly man, as their narrator ads, "Craig Romero. Congress."

The last frame reads, "Simply a reponse to a false and negative attack." The word 'response' is, in fact, spelled incorrectly onscreen.

Louisiana's 3rd District lacked an incumbent for the first time in 24 years, and six candidates ran for the seat. The Republican nominees were: W.J. Billy Tauzin III, Sen. Craig Romero, and Kevin Chiasson. The Democratic nominees were: Charlie Melancon, Damon Baldone, and Charmaine Caccioppi.

In November 2004, Tauzin received 32% of the vote, Melancon received 24%, and 23% went to Craig Romero. Since none of the candidates received more than 50% of votes, the top two vote-getters won spots in a December 2004 runoff. In this final race, Melancon garnered 50.2% of votes, narrowly beating out Tauzin's 49.8%, and ultimately winning the House seat.

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