Associated Food Stores, The Kiss


A young bagger employee happily carries a bag of dog food to an older woman's shopping cart. A voice-over says, "At Associated Food Stores, we've made a whole new commitment to customer service."

Very appreciative of the boy's service, the woman (who looks like a stereotypical aunt) locks him into a big, long forceful kiss, as his arms flail helplessly. Just when she lets him go, an older burly man with a beard begins to walk toward the employee with open arms and a huge smile. The employee is severely alarmed at the thought and turns away from the man with a look of shock on his face as the narrator says, "I think our customers like it."

The scene ends with the narrator stating: "For your family, only the best."

While some may argue that the employee didn't want to be kissed by anyone, the punchline of this ad for Associated, headquartered in Salt Lake City, is that he will be kissed by a man -- which is supposed to be considered worse than an unattractive, older woman.

Associated Food Stores was presented with the award for Best Television Commercials in the nation, as voted by the National Grocers Association (NGA).

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User Comments
Give me a break! I especially like that Salt Lake City was brought up, as if that town is especially offensive to gay people, and because the company is headquartered there, it's NO WONDER they would have an anti-gay commercial. LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE!

Ok. Was there really a point to this commercial? Maybe I missed it but the kissing part had NOTHING to do with the commercial. What did that have to do with their customer service? Does that mean I can go in there and kiss that kid if he puts dog food in my cart for me?

Am I heterophobic for NOT wanting to be kissed by any woman, no matter how attractive? It's a matter of taste. For a straight man, any woman is better than any man. That's not homophobia, that's reality.

Dean Morris
Any time bears come into the picture they are comical. The response must also be comical -- including real or pretend aversion (you can never tell which). Bears are a contrast to a commonly assumed mainstream ideal or fantasy, but are a popular fetish. Even the bear hug is funny because it has to be extreme! Get used to it!