Folha de Sao Paulo, Casual Gay


Two men walk up the sidewalk to the house of one of their parents. One asks if he should have brought a present and if his shirt is okay, as snaps to Madonna's "Vogue" song begin playing in the background.

As they walk in the front door, the son is warmly greeted with a hug from his mother and father. Then he says, "Mom, Dad, this...is Marcos." Mom shakes his hand and then he turns to dad, who leaves Marcos' hand hanging in the air.

After a pause he accepts it and Marcos exchanges a nervous glance with his boyfriend. It ends with the announcer saying, "In a quickly changing world, you can't afford to miss The Folha," the daily newspaper.

Rather than making a joke about gayness, this commercial effectively leverages the subject for its message in a dramatic

For people unfamiliar with the gay community's political climate in Brazil, it is by far the most advanced in Latin America and in some ways more progressive than the United States. Brazil's national government has already considered the question of same-sex unions, while many states across the US instead have passed so-called "Defense of Marriage" laws that define marriage as only between a man and woman.

User Comments
Stuart Carroll
This is a great ad. It makes the point that a changing world -- and changing attitudes towards gays -- is a good thing.

Alexandre Datilo
This ad is great because the newspaper Folha de São Paulo is the largest press media of the south hemisphere. Very positive way of describe the gay life without shocking str8 people. Very good!

Ron Pastoral
This ad perfectly illustrates a common problem encountered by gays whose family may not be totally "cool with it". The realistic reactions between the Mom and Dad indicates differences in acceptance but also points out a poignant moment of hesitation which many families experience when their child brings home his first "friend". The fact that the father makes an effort to bridge the gap and shake hands speaks volumes about accepting ourselves for who we are and what we believe in!

Daniel Tussini
This ad, in fact, I believe is the best one. Our families are really changing attitudes towards gays.

In my opinion this is the best ad regarding gay themes and in pick hours... lots of people commented on it.. I think it was just so nice because it made people start to notice the gay people.

Gustav Magnus Thorgren
Unfortunately we haven't seen such ads for a long time. Most ads are still focused on the stereotypical vision of gay/lesbian identity.