Unilever, Revenge


In a parody of the children's story The Pied Piper of Hamlin, a handsome young man walks into the city hall of a small town to collect his reward after he rid the place of all its rats -- he convinced them to jump off a cliff by the thousands with his flute.

The mayor opens up a large case of money then pulls out just a bill for the piper as he and his assistants all laugh maniacally.

The Pied Piper then opens his shirt, sprays his bare chest with Lynx and suddenly the skeptical female assistant tears off her glasses and lets down her hair for him. Suddenly, every single woman in town -- nurses, female mechanics, brides, women in business suits and even female aliens -- follows him too.

As the perplexed mayor watches from afar, one of his aides suddenly and inexplicably puts his hand on the mayor's shoulder, and offers a little kiss to the now truly frightened old man.

User Comments
The commercial was just plain stupid!

Come on guys -- lighten up. It's just fun time.

The commercial was good enough before punctuating the revenge with a gay insert. Labeling a gay come-on as the ultimate negative statement here is reprehensible. Whenever people insist how truly horrible ad people are, don't you hate it? If you can't be creative without being hurtful, get another job, you're not good enough.

This ad reminds me of many European ones. -- more like a short film than a US commercial. I suppose that's due to the way commercials are played there -- gotta do something to keep the public interest. I thought it was funny, and not especially homophobic.

This ad is quite strange. I get more interested in products with ads that are calm, nonoffensive, and simple.