Unilever, Legs


A woman walks three energetic, brown Lab puppies down the street to adoring passers by. A child in a stroller reaches out, a sissy wearing a pink jacket holding his own tiny dog stares, as does a male window dresser in a fabric store. Then as she crosses two women on the sidewalk, they stop and marvel, "Oh look! Can we stroke them?"

The charmed owner says yes, and the women are suddenly (and quite seductively) rubbing the legs of the puppy's owner, who offers not a hint of shock or repulsion.

The ad agency, which also created an earlier gay-themed storyline for the product, says that lesbian love was not the intention of this commercial.

The 1998 Impulse commercial is considered one of the first in England to overtly show a gay couple -- a twist on the age-old perfume ad, where men spontaneously give flowers to a beautiful woman passing by.

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User Comments
The whole thing was a right delight.

Love same-sex ads but this borders on sexual assault -- what would you be saying if men were doing the caressing?

This ad was aired quite regularly for a period of time in the UK despite being listed on here as "never aired".

It's really hard to comment without seeing it. It sounds hysterical, until the perspective is pointed out “While the ad makes fun of it, the humor is in the man's homophobic reaction.” One can interpret that in so many ways. I like the reality that indeed, this is one version of stereotypical male life in the heterosexual world. However, this whole ad, including the lesbians, is very straight. Why not call attention to what it looks like, glimpses into different perspectives. I like it that reality bites though it's not very original or outside of the box thinking.

Alastair Robinson
A room full of my straight friends, chaps and lasses alike, was brought to silence on the first airing of this ad -- the grins all around said it all, "Cor, brilliant!", and that it certainly is!