Volkswagen, Party


At a party held in a beautiful home, a man spies another who keeps disappearing with attractive women from the party. He's impressed with the man's suave abilities with the women as they return, fixing their hair from their adventure with him.

Then, when the apparent Don Juan also leaves with a man, the observer frowns in surprise. Finally, he follows them out the door to find that he's been innocently taking them all for a drive in his car...not fooling around.

The ad is inclusive without being negative or judgmental. It is Audi's fourth gay-themed ad, one from the U.S. has a man appears to wink at a Hell's Angel-type motorcycle man, the others are from Germany.

German gay market consultant and ad columnist Michael Stuber, who publishes Rosa Brille wrote this about the ad: "In a totally unpretentious way, car-maker Audi places two men -- among other couples -- in its TT Roadster. The communication of the overall quite unconventional brand leave it open whether the guys are a couple or not. May the audience associate whatever they want -- just have fun! This 1999 spot does not need gender stereotypes nor basic heterosexist erotics while it does talk to a diverse clientele: men, women, gay and straight. Through such pleasant normality and openness, Audi gains ground with all individualistic customers -- as they have done with other innovative commercials."

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User Comments
Darus Walls
Very well done! Stylish and humorous.