International Gay and Lesbian Association, I'm Straight


A young man sits at a dinner table holding his noodle-wrapped fork, and there is a sense of awkwardness. The man says, "I've got to tell you something. Well, uh, I'm straight."

The camera cuts to his parents, which are two men. The situation is humorized to emphasize that gay parents don't make gay kids.

After the parents show acceptance, the screen reads, "Children raised by homosexuals do not necessarily become homosexuals."

The ad earns a Positive rating because it aims to show that homosexual parents are equally fit to raise children.

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User Comments
I'd like this better if it didn't imply that the gay parents would be as shocked and uncomfortable having a straight child as straight parents would be having a gay one. While an amusing way to turn the coming-out scenario on its head, it portrays gays as preferring gayness just like straights prefer straightness. And I think we're more open-minded than that, aren't we?

Dave Shortt
This ad reinforces homophobia because the only evidence it provides for why queer people make suitable parents is the fact that they create straight children.

I for one could care less if my child were gay or straight because both are natural and healthy forms of sexual expression. Neither should be used as a measure of success or failure in parenting.

Can someone please please explain to me how this ad could be interpreted as anything other than homophobic?