PFOX/Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, I Choose To Change


Accompanying a photo of a handsome young man with a captivating smile reads the words: "I make decisions every day. What to eat. What to wear. Who to see. But as a gay man I never thought I could change WHO I was. Until I realized change was a choice and I chose to change from gay to straight. It may not be a decision you want to make but you should know thousands of us already have. Please respect our choice."

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User Comments
This ad, and the one with a "former" lesbian from PFOX are very disturbing! I can understand if someone wants to change how they live their lives. But the only choice involved with regard to sexual orientation is whether or not one chooses to live with integrity and honor or shame and denial. Sexual orientation, whether gay or straight, is neutral. It's what you decide to do with it that realizes its potential to be beautiful, loving, and life affirming or ugly, hollow, and objectifying. I can understand if someone wants to improve how they honor their sexuality. However, "choosing" to deny your orientation is one of the most dangerous and destructive things one can do. This "cult" needs to be exposed for what it is. Every reputable psychological organization strongly refutes these "deprogramming" attempts. This is nothing more than a slick marketing campaign to perpetuate the myth that sexual orientation is a choice and can be changed. Because it is not a choice open to change, and instead is a deeply seated immutable normal human characteristic reflecting the natural diversity in people, then respect, acceptance, and human rights that are afforded heterosexual people would have to be extended to gay people. And some people wouldn't want that.