Renault S.A., Gay Motorcycle Cop


A police siren sounds and a motorcycle cop dismounts from his bike after just pulling a vehicle over.

Without a word, he starts writing in his pad, looking the vehicle up and down, walking very macho-ly from the front to the rear. The handsome man in the vehicle sits quietly and nervously. With a stone face behind his reflective sunglasses, the cop silently hands the driver his ticket and the cop rides away.

The young man looks down mystified -- the "ticket" is instead the cop's phone number.

This ad provides a perfectly equal handling of the situation, which could have also worked the same if it was a beautiful woman behind the wheel of the car too.

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User Comments
Ivar W.
The cop looks hot to me and the commercial makes me to want the cop as well as the driver and the car! Totally awesome and sexy.

Todd Hill
As gay goes, it's cute I guess(?) but as ads go, the semiotics are rather confusing to say the least. Does the (rather ugly to my eye) cop covet the car? Or the driver? Or both? Is driving a Renault Clio in Europe the same as driving a Mazda Miata in North America (i.e. an instant code-sign of membership in fagdom)? Was he even a real cop? And what's with the black & white (or is it sepia) tones? Final analysis: it failed utterly to make me think the Renault Clio could be a desirable car.

Paul N.
What a hot sexy commercial! It gets the point accross without being smutty.

I like the vintage look of the ad. The cop looked like an early 80's porn star, yet blended well with the "new" surroundings. Glad to see a car company with a good GAY sense of humor!!

Martin S.
A Renault Clio is a very common car in Western-Europe, it has no special or hidden meaning. To me, the ad has a more North-American look, because the cop is driving an American police motorcycle. Do you have to drive a Renault Clio to be attractive to cops in the U.S ?