KRO Dutch Catholic Broadcasting Co., Graveyard


Images of buildings pass, and two men in sunglasses stand together as one cries. A song sings, "When the road gets dark and you can no longer see...just let my love throw a spark...and have a little faith in me." The two men, one holding a white flower, the other with his arm around him, are standing alone in a graveyard and mourning the passing of someone.

The campaign theme line is: "KRO -- Sharing the Spirit."

Company spokesman Bernard Steenhuis says of the campaign, "The 75-year-old KRO Dutch Catholic Broadcasting Company wanted to position itself as a modern broadcaster with a mission by giving new meaning to themes which they stand for: hope, belief, love, in a modern spiritual context."

User Comments
Kevyn Cooke
The question is, since when does being gay or lesbian have to be the issue? It doesn't does it?