Shoppers Drug Mart, Check Out Bob


In a factory, a sweaty, macho guy hits a hammer, then says, "Hey, check out Bob!"

Bob confidently struts into the factory in slow motion, wearing a perfect white T-shirt, hardhat and tool belt, with tight denim jeans on. It's a little like construction workers watching a sexy woman go by, but these guys are jealous too.

Another man noticing him takes off his goggles and, using a popularly gay phrase, says, "He looks fabulous." After getting a hand slap from Bob, the same man rubs his dirty fingers and incredulously says with a smile, "His hands are so soft!"

Bob keeps walking through the factory and another guy says, "You smell fantastic Bob, is that a new fragrance?" Another man tips his hat as Bob goes by, another incongruous reference to femininity, as another man asks, "What's his secret?"

The answer comes in the Shopper's Drug Mart card, sticking out of Bob's back pocket., which now has the workers looking at Bob's butt, wiggling prominently from side to side.

To bring Bob's head back to earth, he takes off his helmet just before looking backward and walking right into a steel beam.

The ad charmingly handles the unexpected same-sex interest of Bob's co-workers without using homophobia for humor.

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User Comments
Darus Walls
Wouldn't we all like to feel like Bob once in a while? All that attention. If an ad could be graceful this is the one and the ending is just the icing on the cake.

Paul C.
Charming commercial. Non-political and humorous.