Crunch Fitness, Superheroes: Atomic Man


A group of pseudo-superheroes does a cardio workout, with sexy thrusts and hand claps. One male has an absurdly stuffed crotch that he thrusts.

Their routine is interrupted by a loudspeaker that announces an emergency that needs their attention, "Boy Scouts stranded on mountaintop, repeat, Boy Scouts stranded on mountaintop."

The superhero with the absurd crotch takes a nervous look around and says, with a guilty smile, "I'll take that one" and is gone in a flash.

He is a little too eager here and provides the implication that his interest in saving the boys could also be pedophilia.

User Comments
Aram Vartian
See? We don't even have to worry about other people making us look bad, when we have fine citizens like Mark doing it for them. Thanks for setting us back twenty years, idiot.

This is yet another example of an ad that would have been perfectly fine without the horribly offensive punchline. Why even add that? It's sickening.

Robert Pennant
Some people's comments demonstrate why an organization like the Commercial Closet is necessary. People are still trying to conflate homosexuality and pedophilia even though there is ample evidence--empirical evidence--that most child molesters identify as heterosexual. Such inflammatory language has managed to shift the focus away from the homophobia implied in the ad. This strategy has been used by the so-called "men's movement" groups who feel threatened by gains made by women and lesbians and gays. They co-opt the language of our community to assert the ridiculous and frankly insulting notion that heterosexual men are now the persecuted minority.

Mayer Margolis
To me, the ad would be funnier if Superhero's costume had a Roman collar. But I admit to having a sick sense of humor!

Rees Bennett
Mark Thomas' comments are not only offensive but, disgusting. The "ultra politically correct types" are NOT the only ones that don't like the idea of pedophilia, we mainstream, liberal types are disgusted too. As for the claim that "most gay guys harbor a secret attraction to boys", I find appalling. Not only do ALL of my gay friends and myself, NOT harbor sexual desires for boys, we are devastated and offended that we would be included in his fetish.

Mark Thomas
I had a friend that sent me this ad and I thought it was refreshing! I know the ultra politically-correct types won't like it, but for those of us that acknowledge the truth that most gay guys harbor a secret attraction to boys will find it not only a hoot but a turn on!

Bob F.
I had to read the comment by Mark Thomas twice. I couldn't, at first, believe it. To assume homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand is ludicrous!! It's a dangerous assumption and he should not brand other gay men with his own proclivities!

Gay men do not "harbour a secret attraction to boys." Pedophiles do. Period. Is Mark Thomas a plant from Focus on the Family or something?