Novartis-Ciba Vision, Dinner Date


A couple are in a restaurant and the man says, "Let's make a toast. Here's to the most..." Then the woman says, "Wait, John, before you do, there's something I have to tell you..." As she wipes off her lipstick and pulls off her wig, she stammers, "You see, I have astigmatism!"

The twist is in the expectation that she was going to say she's a man.

The young man responds, "So do I!" The narrator then describes Focus contact lenses, designed for astigmatism, as the woman orders them by phone. The ad closes with them at dinner again and she says with double-entendre, "I am so glad I got that off my chest. Cheers!"

Created with the assistance of MTV, this ad aired only on that network but is amazingly positive and puts an unexpected spin on the "revelation" -- making it astigmatism.

User Comments
Andrea James
This is cute—reminds me of the DiGiorno ad where the expected revelation never comes.

The ad works off the controversiality of transsexuality; that it's supposed to be a shameful thing. Overall, I can gladly accept the ad, which is beautiful in some ways, but I do find somewhat loaded and reminding many transsexuals of a difficult time in their life, and how difficult it can be to find a partner. I'm glad the ad has a happy end.