TJX Cos., Storewide Designer


Inspiring the ire of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, a spot for retailer TJ Maxx depicted a flamboyant, queeny clothing designer who throws a temper tantrum.

Wearing a silk jacket, the limp-wristed designer holds up a newspaper ad for a TJ Maxx sale and decries, "I'm never leaving this room again."

His less swishy but still effeminate designer friend in black tries to calm him down, saying the ad says its for "designers. It's not just about you." Replies the first, "Pardon me, perky! My GORGEOUS creations!"

As he smolders, he throws papers and squishes filled chocolates while his friend calmly says, "You're overreacting." The one in silk decries, "But this is my LIFE we're talking about here!" and he throws a stack of newspapers on the floor.

At the end, with a limp wrist he exclaims, "It's official---I have a migraine!"

Unbelievably, the three notes he plays on the piano at the end spell out (in order) F, A, G.

The ad agency said it used gay employees to help create the ad, who all thought it was funny.

GLAAD sent letters to TJ Maxx and Ingalls.

In the end, the commercial was supported by just a few days of TV and was gone. TJ Maxx's ad agency did not disclose this to GLAAD, but told the agency it would honor their request by "pulling" the ad.

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User Comments
Great! I loved it! I don't think that there is anything wrong with this ad, it's about time we see all aspects of the gay community on TV. Effeminate men are the heart of the gay community! I love this ad.

Brian James Murray
It's funny how uptight GLAAD gets, and how irate everyone else gets. The ad is funny, not discriminatory. From a gay man's perspective (and a gay man who works in advertising)... lighten up.

To all the women who said they did not find this ad offensive. Why would you? The ad was insulting gay "myn." To all the gay "myn" who are alright with this ad: I think you are being too self-deprecating. Why is the guy in the scarf's hurt feelings and pain so amusing to people? How can you hold a straight face and tell me ads like this are alright? Ads like this promote hatred towards gay "myn."

Rodney Clark
I thought the ad was a well-crafted, amusing, true to life representation of the flamboyant and fabulous (did I mention trail-blazing?) individuals that are a very real, very legitimate part (count me in) of our diverse community. Apparently some members of the GLBT would like to drive a good many of their brothers and sisters back into the closet and throw away the key. Then again, some black people are still considered (by black people) to be too black or not black enough...

Darrell Manderson
Although this ad has received a negative rating, I really think that is one of the funnier gay themed ads I've seen! So what, the guy's flaming and flambouyant...and yes it is very stereotypical. However, I'm sure we can all be secure in our sexuality and place in society long enough to realize that there are gay men "out there" like this, and there always will be. Accept them, enbrace them, and in this case, get in on TJ Maxx's joke and laugh at (with) them...I think that is the spirit of the ad. Okay, now I officially have a migrane.

Sean Martin
But it *is* funny, Blanche, it *is*!!!

This is hilarious!!!! Maybe stereotypical, but an honest representation of some...

I don't know if you noticed this, but when the designer plunks notes on the piano at the end of the commercial, he plays the notes, "F", "A" and "G".

Cherie Cotton
I thought it was done very well. I wish they had kept it on the air. No one asked the rest of the gay and lesbian
community if we had a problem with it, before they pulled it! The more exposure gays and lesbians have, the more we show how we are up in numbers and out there. Lighten up GLAAD....it was very fun, funny and tastefully done!

Sharon McGahan-Teskey
The designer in this ad just happens to be my brother....we all thought that he was hilarious, and were surprised when we heard all the "flap" that this commercial caused...it's too bad that people would get all bent out of shape over this ad, how do they feel about the shows that are on TV today...again, I find them hilariously funny...too bad this was quashed, as it had a negative effect on all involved...

There are queer men like this. I'm a drag-loving, glammy hussy of a trannyboi, my mother's bi ex-boyfriend acts like a cross between Andy Warhol and Will, and the designer reminds me of a family friend who doted on me in childhood... There's room for everyone in the community, from the most ardent assimilationist to Quentin Crisp.

Joshua Gesell
I have to agree with the other comments on here -- the ad was very funny, and anyone who is gay could figure out that it had to be written by other gays. While it does air to some stereotyes -- we must all be able to poke fun at ourselves. Could all of the politically correct people move along please?

Playing "F-A-G" on the piano is completely unforgivable. The commercial isn't very creative, but who the hell does TJ Maxx think they are to call me a fag? I'm their target audience and I demand respect. I agree, this ad is negative in more ways than one.