ABC Canada, Dark Secrets
Two mechanics are at work when the older of the two hands a form to the younger one as he says, "Hey Andy, the boss wants you to fill out this form."
Embarrassed, the young mechanic wants to admit that he's not able to read, but he fears judgment. Andy says, "Rod, You're not gonna believe this, but..." He is interrupted as Rod says, "I almost forgot. I'm not coming in tomorrow." Then in an unlikely flip manner adds, "Ya know, lately, I've been thinking about becoming a woman, so I'm going to go in for one of those free consultations."
The voiceover chimes in to say, "Maybe your dark secret isn't as dark as you think. If you have trouble with writing, reading, or math, look under 'learn' in the yellow pages."
The concept is that one shouldn't be ashamed of illiteracy, because other people may have something "worse" to hide -- such as being transgendered -- earning this ad a rating in the negative range.
Please reconsider your classification. (Did you contact the makers of these adds, and if so, did these people respond?)