Vancouver Film Festival, Dinner Party


Two male-female couples sit at a home, finishing dinner. The male guest compliments his hosts on the dinner and wine. He then says, "That reminds me of a story..."

In response, the other man, Gunther, says to his wife in German, while smiling to fool his guest, "Not another meandering story. Kill me now." She responds in German and nods her head, also with with a nonconforming smile, "Kill me first. Then take your life." (English translation is carried.)

Appalled, the guest says with contempt, "I know what you just said."

Gunther replies, "What are you talking about? You don't speak German." In response, he says, "I read the subtitles, dumb-kopf!" The subtitles translates his poorly pronounced German last word: "Dumb head."

The German couple peers over the table to see that there are, indeed, subtitles on the screen. "Shit!" says Gunther.

The screen goes black and text appears: "Maybe it's best that life isn't like a foreign film."

The German-speaking then man asks his companion, "Did he see the comment about enticing his wife into a threesome?" The guest jumps up, "We're out of here!" His wife looks appalled. But as she's dragged away, she turns back and gestures to the seated couple, "Call me." The couple smiles.

The screen goes black and the text reads, "Vancouver International Film Festival."

This ad earns an Equal rating because the female half of the offended couple enthusiastically (if not secretly) accepts the bisexual offer.

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