Coburn for U.S. Senate Committee, You Decide


"I'm Tom Coburn and I approve this message," says the Republican Oklahoma Senate candidate.

After Coburn's picture fades, the ad consists solely of flashing words and threatening music.

"Carson says he's not a liberal. You decide," reads the screen. Information about Carson's political positions follows, each listed with a source. The frames read:

"Brad Carson confirmed he is pro-choice."

"Carson is one of the most liberal spenders in Congress."

"Carson supports D.C. same sex domestic partner benefits."

"Carson votes against work requirement for welfare recipients."

"Carson votes against banning partial birth abortions." The word "twice" is then added.

"Carson votes against Bush positions more often than John Kerry."

Lastly, reminiscent of a Drug Free America commercial, the screen reads, "Any questions?"

Republican Tom Coburn won the Oklahoma Senate seat with 53% of the vote. Brad Carson, who contested many of these claims in his own ad, received 41% of votes.

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