Brad Carson for U.S. Senate, Evil, Then Dangerous, Now a Liberal


Oklahoma Senate candidate Brad Carson sits at a table with his wife, Julie. In this ad, they address attacks from Carson's opponent, Tom Coburn.

"During this race, Tom Coburn called my husband evil, then dangerous, now a liberal," says Julie. "I don't know what's worse," she adds, looking over at her husband. She is silent for the remainder of the ad.

"Tom knows I'm not any of these things," says Brad. "Tom knows I voted to make sure that we kept 'God' in the Pledge of Allegiance, broke with my party to ban partial birth abortion, and just last week broke with my party again to ban gay marriage.

"I'm Brad Carson, and I approve this message because I am a member of the Oklahoma Party. So Tom, just keep calling me names, and I'll keep fighting for Oklahoma."

Apaprently, name calling works in Oklahoma -- Republican oppponent Tom Coburn won the Oklahoma Senate seat with 53% of the vote. Carson, the Democratic candidate, received 41%.

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