Frutea, Sailors
To the tune of "Teach Me Tiger," a handsome young man sits alone in an outdoor cafe as his takes a swig from a can of tea. Suddenly, an attractive woman is in his presence and appears to be yearning for him.
After another sip, a second woman is present and lustily looking at him. A third drink produces twin females staring at him and he starts to look at the can strangely as he realizes what is happening.
A devilish smile crosses his face and then it falls. He turns to see an entire crew of sailors in identical tank tops all leaning forward and intensely staring at him.
The end is ambiguous as to whether he actually wished for the sailors or if they were supposed to be a cruel twist to his wish. The agency explains that the joke is that the people only appear to want the man when in fact they just want the iced tea.