Dairy Farmers cooperative, Couch


The brand's chubby interviewer, who appears in several of its commercials, appears in a bar on a couch next to an attractive man. While he watches people go by, the interviewer says, "This bar is a regular babe fest. You see anything you like?"

As the interviewer continues to look around at passing women, the man on the couch takes off his sunglasses to get a better look at the interviewer, who then nervously jumps up from the couch and escapes.

The tagline: "Dare to be yourself."

While the main joke of this commercial is one that's uncomfortable with homosexuality, the tagline appears to be much more positive.

User Comments
I can only think of the joke one comedian said, "Why is it always fat, ugly men who think fags want them?"

Joe Ambrosio
What I find most refreshing about this ad is the idea that not all gay men are automatically attracted to young, gym studs, but there are many who find older or "unstereotypical " men attractive. I also agree with the previous comment, that it is unnerving for straight men to find them selves in the objectified position. Good ad!!

Darus Walls
I think this is a great example of how heterosexual men assume that everyone is like them, talks like them, thinks like them and then, guess what? He finds himself objectified the same way he objectifies women and doesn't know how to deal with it. HMMM..sounds pretty typical.