Sydney Gay and Lesbian Broadcasters Inc., Captain Pecker


This startlingly nude commercial is as outrageous as it is funny. An animated, flaccid penis begins bouncing to music, then starts "mouthing" the words to the song as well.

It advertises an Australian gay radio program on a community station for international dance music.

The ad was made for the Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras Film festival and, amazingly, played on National Television on a high rating show as an interest piece. It won the Silver Lion at the Cannes International Advertising Festival in 1999.

According to a member at the radio station, "Australian reactions at first were not good. Most cinema chains wouldn't play it because it was seen as offensive...however, after it won Cannes it was somehow turned into ART and was played on television and cinema a fair amount."

Since then, it has played on UK national television and has appeared in the US on an HBO special about advertising.

User Comments
Scott Alamar
Another lowest-common denominator ad. Yet the gay public will most likely love it. The frat guys get their cat-fights and poop humor of openning beer bottles on someone's rear, or drinking beer in the perceived butt of a costume. Gays get a singing and dancing penis. Similar marketing strategies applied to different targets. Can't do anything racy or crass without someone getting offended. At least the beer ads imply the imagery, this one blatantly shows it. The only reason this is deemed acceptable is because a phallus is being shown getting aroused. Plays into that gay men are pathologically hyper-sexed stereotype, eh?

This ad is genius. Although I imagine some may be offended by it (which amuses me greatly), it's simply an extension of the singing. We've had everything from animals to puppets to the sponge monkeys singing in commercials. I like it especially because, let's face it, anyone who's been face to face with a penis has thought about it talking to you, and now when it actually does...I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Wonderful. Too bad they can't show anything like that on TV in the US.